31 March 2011

nice place ... i guess ...

Do you frequent apartment therapy?  It's a good regular stop if you're interested in interiors - not always gold, and with an American flavour (or is that flavor ... not sure, it's cheesy either way) more often than not - but a fun regular browse.

This place was a bit of a recent standout for us.  A rented warehouse loft in LA, inhabited by proper cool folk - we'd evict 'em and move in in a trice. 

If you like the look, make sure you click the 'enter tour' link for a gallery of 30+ photos of the place. 

On a serious note, though ... their lounge (photo below - LigneRoset "Togo") - if you have one of these sofas that you need removed from your loungeroom, please get in touch.  Cath's on a mission to find one ... sadly, they don't seem to grow on trees and nobody's left any on the nature-strip for us.

One would be fine, but if you have more, we'll make room in the van.  You won't even have to help carry it out!



We haven't been up to Sydney for a while, but have oft admired the wares of 224 - Lucas Callaghan's store in Bondi - on the net.  By the looks, they have just had a major sellup via auction.

Amongst a clearly passionate collector's collection of classic 20th century collectibles were some amazing and quirky bits and pieces ... wish we'd been there with the means to bid.

Maybe it's for the best we missed it ... that would have to be the coolest phone ever, though.

30 March 2011

sneak peek

On the subject of beautiful things from Scandinavia ... we have finished the 'collecting' part of getting together our next shipment.  As we speak, a warehouse in southern Sweden is bulging under the strain of some amazing and high-quality furniture.  The spring thaw up there means that the time has come to pack it all up and ship it down to sunny Melbourne!
Time to make some space in our (also bulging, and shamefully well-stocked) shed at the farm -

Eeeek ...

anyone for basketball?

A few years ago we picked up a couple of panels of reclaimed/salvaged basketball court flooring ... it was back in the days of newspaper classifieds (pre-ebay), so guess that dates them to the '90's?  Back then I was driving a 1971 Kombi van, so the limited carrying capacity meant we could only buy 2 panels (that and the fact thet they weigh nearly 100kg each, so they're not super-easy to cart around.

At the time it seemed like a good idea - over the ensuing years they have acted like they were just symptoms of a bad hoarding habit, hiding under a tarpaulin, waiting.  They look a little scruffy now, but with a little love they will be very nice, for sure.

Finally steeled ourselves and carted them up to the farm this week.  After the strain of lifting them in and out of the van, we decided to put wheels onto the undersides ...

So our mission over the next few weeks is to give them a light sanding and a bit of a varnish - get them looking as good as they should.  Won't remove the coloured lines, of course.  You have to have boundaries, yeah?

Once they're done we'll have a nice surface to photograph some of our gorgeous new Scandinavian furniture on ... stay tuned.