22 July 2010

new curtains!

Good old internet shopping - we got some cool vintage barkcloth curtains in the post today.

 The plan is to use the fabric on some deserving chairs at some stage, but 'til then they're a welcome addition to the place.

In other news we are pleased to announce that we found a new addition to our woodgrain porcelain collection in the form of a pretty funny toothpick holder ... classy.

... and I found the first piece of my collection of iittala tapio glasses - been seeking them for a while, so pretty pleased to have found one - another 7 and there's a set.

There's just something about that bubble.

10 July 2010

ahhh ... Lautner

Well, it took us long enough, but we finally sat down and watched Tom Ford's movie 'A Single Man' last night.  Really enjoyed the film overall, but naturally we were totally hypnotized by the fantastic house it plays out in ...

The place is a neat glass and redwood house designed by the remarkable John Lautner.  So many great spaces and angles in a modest 2 bedroomer ...

Did we mention the copious wood?  Just amazing.

If you like Lautner's work or want to see a bit more, there's a doco on ABC2 tomorrow night (Sun 11/7/10) called 'Infinite Space' which promises to be a fun ride.

 ... see how satisfied he looks - how could you not be with a room like that around you?  Lautner's homes (many of which were built in the Hollywood Hills, as well as Malibu and out in Palm Springs) pop up in movies, so seem pretty familiar.  The Sheats Goldstein house is so familiar you almost feel like you've been there ... nuts!