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Now to be frank, we would happily take this crusty old farmhouse on as-is - lick of paint and a few swoops of the broom and we'd be in. A visit to rusted mustard (via what's blogging my view) tells more of the story ... take a stroll around the back and ...
Just too fun - Canadian artist Heather Benning has created a life sized dollhouse in a Saskatchewan feild, complete with mid-century furniture and fittings ... genius!
Possibly not the most important question of our era, but where have all the macrame owls gone?
When we opened our store 3 years ago, they were kind of our 'thing' (along with flip-clocks, polaroid cameras, etc etc) - we always managed to have 4 or 5 in stock, and could usually find more when somebody bought one ...
Could be another symptom of climate change, or part of the 'string-theory' fluxus, but we haven't had a new owl arrive in our lives for months now. Anybody looking to offload theirs (what do you need 'em for?) - please get in touch.
That's why we dream in black and white ... pic by Selwyn Pullan - prolific architectural photographer - via Ouno Design, a canadian blog well worth frequenting. Thanks!
For the last couple of years we have been tossing up between flagstones, slate slabs and quartz gravel for a bit of paving out the front of our ranch - but on our budget we have been cooling our jets and going with the 'mud and grass' option so far.Happily, the convergence of (a) a fallen tree in the front paddock, (b) the government's new and relaxed attitude towards removing bushfire fuel, and (c) this beautiful pic from apartmenthterapy ... has led us to the solution.Chainsaw will be out and creating pathway magic over the next few weeks - hopefully we'll remember to take some pics.
Man, there's nothing better than street-art that makes you smile. SpY, an urban artist based in Madrid, definitely fits the bill. A bit of irony in the vein of Mr Banksy, si?

We came across a few of his pieces on we heart stuff. Definitely recommend a stop by SpY's site while you're out there ... nice. It's not ALL basketball themed, promise.
Too cool ... I'm sure we came close to making these in kindergarten, but the clever kids at Tenth Muse Studios have taken it to a whole new level of goodness! Clean and nifty plaster bookends in the best faux bois tradition ...
Grab an empty milk carton, some plaster of paris, a melon-baller and your best carving-skewer and you're on the way. All we need now is a few fake plaster books to squeeze between 'em and our fake study will be complete.